How to earn bells with trees and rocks

Jul 21, 2023 par Skyangie

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, bells are commonplace. Bells play an important role in keeping you moving through your village. In this bell guide, we explain how to collect bells in different ways. 

Comment se faire des clochettes avec les arbres et les rochers

When you play Animal Crossing, you'll soon realize that you'll need bells and whistles to expand your house and make purchases at the Nook Shop, for example. Fishing and catching insects for resale in the Nook Shop are good sources of income. However, there are other original ways of making bells and we're going to show them to you.

Hit all the rocks

The first way is to hit all the rocks in your village with your shovel. One of the boulders will release a bell. You can collect around 13,000 bells
* Tip: Remember to dig holes behind you (see photos below) so you don't slip, and make sure there's a clear space around the rock so resources or bells have room to fall. For more tips on extracting resources, visit the Animal Crossing rock guide.

Shake all the trees

Then shake all the trees in your village. Trees are full of surprises! As you shake, you'll be able to access resources including tree branches, furniture (in the form of a leaf), 100 bells and insects to catch with your net. For more information, visit the Animal Crossing tree guide.
* Please note! It's important to keep your net with you at all times when shaking the trees, so you're ready if a wasp nest falls on you. To avoid a wasp sting, catch them with your net. In the worst-case scenario, get a cure. For more information, visit the Animal Crossing medicine guide

Bell tree

To grow a bell tree, you first need to find a sparkling spot on the ground. Use your shovel to dig up a bag of 1000 bells. It's important to note that you can also plant this bag of jingle bells to grow a jingle tree. Make sure you replant the bag of bells right away. If you close the hole without any bells, nothing will happen. After this step, you only have to wait 3 or 4 days for the tree to reach its maximum size with the 3 bags of bells. No need to water!
* If you plant 10,000 bells, the tree will grow with 3 bags of 10,000 bells each. It's also important to note that bell bags can only be harvested once, when the tree has reached full size. After harvesting, the tree will return to normal.