Partnership and advertising

Advertise on NationHive

If you'd like to advertise, place an ad or sponsor an article, we'll give you all the details about our community and how the site works.


Our community is made up of young people interested in video games, high tech, manga and the geek universe. We have several ways of displaying advertising on the website:

  • Box on the right column
  • Double box on the right column
  • Banner
  • Wallpaper
  • Sponsored post on social networks
  • Sponsored articles
  • Per game

Advertising requests as well as sponsored articles should be made via our contact form.

We automatically refuse all requests for services that are not suitable for all audiences. For example, we will not accept content such as sports betting, adult content, gambling, trading, ect. In addition, content promoting illegal downloading/streaming will be automatically removed.

Placement wallpaper


We're open to partnerships that help us create content, run competitions on social networks or exchange expertise.

Support us

If you'd simply like to support us and contribute to the life of the site, there are a number of simple actions you can take that will help us enormously.

Disable adblocks
The content of the site is free and accessible to all, our remuneration depends completely on the advertisements displayed on the site. We're committed to running only ethical, non-intrusive ads, but we especially need you to be able to see them.

Use our links
If you're interested in any of the articles/games we present, please feel free to use the links on the site to help fund the site.

Participate in social networks
Whether on discord, Instagram, the forum or twitter, follow us to help out.