
In this guide to Pikmin 4 on Nintendo Switch, we'll go over the Items you can get from Russ's Study Lab.
In exchange for the raw materials (blue crystals) you pick up on your expeditions, you can trade them in for gadgets or items from Russ's Study Lab.
Here's a list of items you can use to exchange for raw materials:
Scrummy bone: If Oatchi is injured, this heals him in an instant! And if he's already healthy, the bone temporarily increases his HP = 3 Raw Materials, unlocked in the lab.
Emergency kit: This precious item protects you from being knocked out! It automatically detects when your HP are low and automatically heals you = 5 raw materials, unlocked in the lab.
Pikpik Carrot: These selected carrots have a paralyzing effect if eaten. Ideal for baiting and stopping creatures = 2 Raw Materials, unlocked by collecting 800 Sparklium.
Ice Blast: This item freezes enemies when it explodes = 8 Raw Materials, unlocked by collecting 1500 Sparklium.
Bomb Rock: This item explodes when thrown and can also break through walls = 8 Raw Materials, unlocked by collecting 3000 Sparklium.
Lighting Shock: This item paralyzes enemies by electrocuting them = 30 Raw Materials, unlocked by collecting 6,500 Sparklium.
Trackonator: This item chases enemies and explodes = 10 Raw Materials, unlocked by collecting 7500 Sparklium.
Mine: This item activates when it detects a life source and sticks after creatures = 10 Raw Materials, unlocked by collecting 4000 Sparklium.
Ultra-Spicy spray: Increases the speed of Oatchi and the Pikmin = ??? Raw materials, unlocked by collecting red nectar and 10 berries.
Glow Seeds: Allows you to plant fluorescent Pikmin that can discover dark cellars and go on expeditions at night = ???? Raw materials, unlocked by night-time expeditions.