Research Areas

Research Areas
Aug 13, 2023

In this guide to Research Areas, you'll find a list of all the islands in the game and the Pokémon available in each area.

As is common in Pokémon games, you'll need to visit regions to find Pokémon. In Pokémon Sleep, you'll explore islands where you can meet Pokémon according to the rank of the island's Snorlax. Every week, you'll be able to choose an island on which to search.

By returning to previously explored islands, you can improve the Snorlax level, unlocking the possibility of finding new Pokémon. It's also possible to change islands with the E-Zzz Travel Ticket.

List of islands in Pokémon Sleep

Greengrass IsleRight from the start
Cyan BeachFind 20 Sleep Styles
Taupe HollowFind 70 Sleep Styles
Snowdrop TundraFind 110 Sleep Styles


Image de Sternenperle Submitted by Sternenperle on Sun 13/08/2023 - 04:11

Taupe Hollow 70 Sleep Styles
Snowdrop Tundra 110 Sleep Styles