
Aug 12, 2023

In this guide to Pokémon Sleep, we'll give you information on all the types of missions you could get every week in the game.

Every Monday, you'll receive a list of missions to complete before midnight on Sunday in order to obtain the various rewards you'll need throughout the game.

Get Snorlax to (Basic 1 à Master 20)    
Feed Ronflex berries and ready-made meals to help him reach his target rank;

Cook x times    
It's possible to cook three times a day. The first period starts at 6 a.m., the second at noon and the last at 6 p.m.

Give Snorlax x Berries    
Gather more Berries by integrating Pokémon gifted at finding them into your current search team.

Stick to your bedtime x times    
Start measuring your sleep less than 30 minutes before or after your chosen bedtime.

Befriend x Pokémon    
Give Poké Biscuits and other treats to the Pokémon at snack time and boost their friendship points to the maximum so that they become your friends.

Donner x biscuits    
Give Poké Biscuits and other treats to the Pokémon at snack time. You can get a Bonus Biscuit every day.


Image de SCALLIWAG Submitted by SCALLIWAG on Thu 14/09/2023 - 11:26

Currently Level 21
Friend code:8011-8948-1979

Looking to build my list, thanks

Image de Ribeirosk Submitted by Ribeirosk on Fri 11/08/2023 - 22:04

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