The Loyal Three

The Loyal Three
Sep 25, 2023

In this story guide for Pokémon Scarlet / Violet's The Teal Mask DLC, you'll find the complete Walkthrough to the "The Loyal Three" game, and the location of Trainers, Pokémon, TCs and items you'll encounter along the way.

When you wake up, return to Carmine's house. You'll learn that the mask will be missing a Crystal Cluster and that you'll find it at Crystal Pool. To reach this area, you'll need to pass through the Infernal Pass. To reach this area, use your mount to climb the mountain northwest of Carmine's house.

Carte du Lac Cristalin

Join Crystal Pool to reach the arches. Climb the stairs and cross the bridge to speak to Carmine. A level 73 Milotic will attack you.

Electric and Plant-type Pokémon are relatively good against it. This Pokémon is a miniboss. Carmine will be your team-mate during this battle, starting with her Morpeko, which does a lot of electric damage;

After winning the battle, you find the Crystal Cluster which you'll use to repair Ogrepon's mask. 

Lac Cristallin

Now return to Carmine's home to learn that Kieran has escaped with The Teal Mask. Head to Loyalty Plaza to confront Kieran.


# NameTypeLvl

Kieran will now have Yanma's evolution, Yanmega. Gligar and Dipplin are very weak to ice-type attacks, which he will deal 4x the normal damage. Cramorant is very weak to electric attacks. As for Poliwrath, you can have him with Electric, Psy, Flight or Fairy attacks.

After your battle, you'll discover The Loyal Three,Munkidori, Okidogi, and Fezandipiti. They will destroy their sanctuary and head for Septemplion. Go to Septemplion and speak to the guardian of the great sanctuary to find out where they are.


You'll then learn that they've headed for the forbidden lair to attack Ogrepon. Give the mask and Crystal Cluster to Carmine and set off to defend the Pokémon. As you approach the Den, The Loyal Three will be in battle position and Fortusimia will attack you.

Carte de l'antre
Orgepon et Adoramis

Munkidori is a level 70 Poison/Psy-type legendary Pokémon. It is weak against Ground, Dark and Ghost attacks. It can increase its special attack by two levels. You won't be able to catch Munkidori at the moment, but you'll need to reduce its hit points to 0 to win the battle.

Carmine and Kieran will join you and give the mask back to Ogrepon. After your conversation, Ogrepon will follow. Return to Mossui Town to talk to the NPCs and find out where The Loyal Three are. Although you can talk to anyone in town, only three people will be needed:

  • A little boy to the right of the community center.
  • A man in the west on the way to Carmine's house
  • A woman behind the community center.

Now you know where The Loyal Three are. Munkidori is located at Wisteria Pond, Okidogi in the Paradise Barrens and Fezandipiti in the Fellhorn Gorge. Be aware that it won't yet be possible to catch them for the time of your upcoming battles.

Join Paradise Barrens to attack Okidogi. This Pokémon will be located in the north. Okidogi is a Poison/Fighting-type Pokémon whose defense increases from the start of the battle. It will attack you with powerful physical attacks, but is very weak to Psychic-type attacks. Once you've won this battle, you'll get the Cornerstone Mask.

Carte de Felicanis

Now head south from Paradise Barrens to the wisteria pond. You can then attack Munkidori. This Pokémon is still Poison/Psychic. Use the same strategy as your first battle. As a reminder, it is weak to Ground, Dark and Ghost-type attacks. Its special attack will be boosted at the start of the battle. Once you've defeated Munkidori, you'll get the Wellspring Mask.

Carte de Fortusimia

The last Pokémon of The Loyal Three is located in Fellhorn Gorge, east of Septemplion. Fezandipiti will be flying near a cliff, and as you approach it will enter the cave. Follow it into the cave and move along the central spiral downwards. Continue along the path to exit and begin the fight.

Carte de favianos

Fezandipiti is a Poison/Fairy Pokemon. It will increase its speed from the start of battle. Attack it with Psychic, Ground or Steel-type attacks. A Steel-type Pokemon will be able to withstand battle and even be immune to certain attacks. If you win the battle, you'll get the Hearthflame Mask.

After defeating the Loyal Three, return to Mossui Town to speak with the Guardian of the Great Sanctuary and complete this quest.
