How to catch bugs

How to catch bugs
Dec 15, 2023 par Skyangie

In this guide, we'll explain the mechanics of how to catch bugs and how to get a net. Read to the end of the guide to learn all about bug hunting on Coral Island.

Selling the insects you catch is a great way to make money at the start of the game. What's more, the insects you catch for the very first time can be donated to the museum to expand its collection. Indeed, when you start the game, you'll receive quests that ask you to make donations to the museum (the first types of fish, insects or artifacts you find).  

How to get a net

Before you start, you'll need to purchase a net. To do this, you'll have to play until the 3rd day of the calendar. On day 3, you'll receive a letter from Sunny and Eleanor asking you to go to the Beach Shack to receive your welcome gift.

Head for the Beach Shack and enter to meet Sunny and Eleanor. You'll see a cinematic in which the couple argue over the best hobby (fishing or catching insects). Choose one of the suggested answers, but your answer won't make any difference as you'll receive the fishing rod and net at the same time

How to catch an insect

Step 1: Once you've received the net, wander around the island until you come across an insect on the ground or a butterfly in the air. 

Step 2: Select the net in your inventory (using your mouse wheel) and press and hold the left click to slowly approach the insect in front of you. 

Step 3: When you approach an insect, a circular exclamation mark will appear above it. Stop for a few seconds as the insect seems to be aware of your presence. If you move too much, the circle will continue to fill up, which means the insect will run away.

* Be careful and take your time, as insects are very skittish. If you're too abrupt or too slow, they'll run away. 

Step 4: Before the circle fills up, when the insect is in your field of vision and seems to flicker, release your left click to catch it in your net.

Additional note

  • When you catch a certain type of insect for the first time, donate it to the museum to add to your collection. If you catch the same insect several times, sell it to make some money.
  • Bug hunting requires a certain amount of energy. Make sure you're always equipped to feed when you need to.
  • Make sure you always have room in your inventory when you catch an insect, otherwise you risk losing your grip.
  • The types of insects you catch vary according to the seasons in the game.