
juin 15, 2022

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Nombre de trophée bronze 9
Nombre de trophée argent 2
Nombre de trophée or 1
Political Supporter
Political Supporter
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Bon Vivant
Bon Vivant
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Apprentice Enchanter
Apprentice Enchanter
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Charismatic Storyteller
Charismatic Storyteller
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Scientific Autodidact
Scientific Autodidact
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Enthusiast Egalitarian
Enthusiast Egalitarian
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Xenophile Expert
Xenophile Expert
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Romantic Economist
Romantic Economist
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A Keen Ship
A Keen Ship
Complete the Seaworthy quest
The Discoverer
The Discoverer
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Artistic Touch
Artistic Touch
Take a picture while in photo mode
Pet one of Freya’s cat in the quest Where Fates Align