Ollivander's Heirloom (Ravenclaw)

Hogwarts Legacy - Ollivander's Heirloom (Ravenclaw)
Aug 25, 2023 par Skyangie

In this walkthrough for Hogwarts Legacy, we'll give you the complete tutorial for the main quest: Ollivander's Heirloom (Ravenclaw).

The main quest "Ollivander's Heirloom" is exclusive to the Serdaigle house. When choosing your house, certain conversations will change, but above all, each house has its own exclusive quest.

Head to Hogsmeade to speak to Ollivander in his store. He'll ask you to find an old wand belonging to his family that was stolen by a pupil named Jackdaw. This student is now dead, but he left a riddle in the Hogwarts aviary tower.

Carte du magasin de Ollivander

You'll have to find your way to a Hogwarts exit, as there are no chimneys in the tower. Climb to the top of the tower to find the statuettes. Using the Revelio spell, you'll be able to see the location of all the statuettes. Cast the Accio spell to free them from the alcoves. Open all the alcoves, some will be empty, others will contain statuettes or gold coins.

Carte de la tour
Entrée de la tour

Climb the ladder to open the other alcoves in the tower pillars. Once all the alcoves have been opened, collect all the loot. Be careful, though, as some of the contents may fall down the stairs.

Alcoves du haut

Once you've collected all the statues, place them in the wall provided. The ghost of Jackdaw will be waiting to explain his story. He will then meet you in the forbidden forest, to find his body, which still has the wand on it. A new quest begins: Jackdaw's Rest, which is common to all houses.


At the very top of the tower, you'll also find a statue and a map linked to the "Ghost of our Love" side-quest. Two pages of Wizard's Field Guide are also available in this tower.