Chapter IX: Castle

Chapter IX: Castle
Aug 18, 2023

In this guide to the main story of Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance, we explain the complete path through the eighth chapter of the game with the various choices to be made.

As you start the chapter, go right and talk to the man knocking on the door. You'll have to make a choice:

Good decision: You don't want to see anyone suffer (No) 
Bad decision: You like to see people suffer (Yeah, I like it)

Go to the far right in front of the chasm, then go back to the man and talk to him again. You can then switch characters with carré to solve the riddle.

With Ingride: Go down the freight elevator to the left of the door and go on it; 
With the old man: Turn the crank to lift Ingride up.  
With Ingride: Push the left-hand lever to lower the ladder; 
With the old man: Climb the ladder and go to the end on the right.  
With Ingride: Wait under the right-hand ladder; 
With the old man: Press the switch on the far right  
With Ingride: Climb the ladder and jump over the roof to the left. Then hang on to the left-hand rope; 
With the old man: Go back to the left to see Ingrid. Turn the crank in the wall (to the right of the elevator) to bring Ingrid up.

With Ingride: Go right to pick up a brick and return to the rope  
With the old man: Take Ingrid down.

With Ingride: Push the tooth to the left and hurry back up the rope.  
With the old man: Pull Ingrid up with the rope  
With Ingrid: Go left to place the brick in the open mouth. Take the object inside; 
With Ingride: Go down the rope and  go to the top of the ladder.

With the old man: Go to the lever on the far right.

With Ingride: Climb down the ladder and go to the lever on the far right to place the staff. Now go to the lever on the left of the ladder.

With the old man: Activate the lever on the right and hurry to activate the lever in the middle.

With Ingride: Push the lever to the left of the ladder to cross the bridge to the right.

With the old man: Head to the lever on the left of the ladder.

With Ingride: Activate the lever and step off the bridge to activate the middle lever.

With the old man  : Activate the lever to the left of the ladder and climb the ladder to cross the bridge to the right.

With Ingride: Climb the ladder and hurry across to the right of the bridge. If you don't have time, go back up the ladder and activate the old man's lever.

With the old man: Go all the way to the right and push the lever twice  
With Ingride: Pick up the fallen tooth and ride the elevator  
With the old man: Push the lever and let Ingrid take the lift  
With Ingride: Go far left to pick up the floor switch. Return to the elevator to place the switch in the large tooth and press it. Place the small tooth in the slot in front of the elevator.

With the old man: Take the elevator down, then take it up. 

With Ingride: Press the little tooth (time stops).

With the old man: Let the elevator go down then make it go up. 

Repeat so that the clock reaches 12.

With the old man: get on the elevator.

With Ingride: Press the small tooth, then the switch on the large tooth. 

With the old man: Upstairs, go all the way to the left and use the crank in the tower to bring down the second elevator.

Get them both on the elevator and enter the building to end this chapter.