
mai 24, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Dive into your memory. Reclaim your past
Armed and Dangerous
Armed and Dangerous
Find your first gun. You will need guns...lots of guns
Secret Stash
Secret Stash
Find and open 10 secret message capsules to reveal hidden treasures and important notes
Death is Quite The Experience
Death is Quite The Experience
Stop the Rhino
Stop the Rhino
Block 20 enemy attacks with perfect timing. Do what must be done
Mine Can Be Handful
Mine Can Be Handful
Eliminate 3 Enemy Units by using a mine detonation. Precise shot is all what you need
This is the Red Barrel!
This is the Red Barrel!
Eliminate three hostiles by detonating the red fuel barrel. Mechatrons are known to go up in flames spectacularly
Skillful Assailant
Skillful Assailant
Eliminate 10 drones using only cold weapons. Show them your skill
Master of Explosive "Stones"
Master of Explosive "Stones"
Kill your 10 enemies by using a hand grenade. Don't rush, if you don't want to die
Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer
Defeat the Imgud