
Dec 07, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
You completed the Prologue.
Esprit curieux
No Stone Unturned
You visited all the systems in the Koronus Expanse.
A Spark
You started a romance.
Pas toucher
Don't Touch This
Playing on Core, you did not let the Chaos Spawn consume any cultists at the end of the Prologue.
Étoile volée
Stolen Star
You completed Chapter 1.
Amateur du cosmos
Rookie Skipper
You won your first void combat.
The Rise
You gained a second-tier doctrine.
Lumière de l'Astronomican
Light of the Astronomican
You charted a new path through the warp from one system to another.
Timing parfait
Perfect Timing
You restarted the shields on your flagship and received no damage to the hull while doing so.
Coup de Tzeentch
Cleening Out the Tzeentch
You killed the Daemon of Tzeentch in the sewers under the Star Thoroughfare.
Chaleur de la jungle
Jungle Heat
You resolved the crisis on Janus.
Jugement de fer
Iron Judgement
You decided the fate of Kiava Gamma.
De l'importance du foyer
No Place Like Home
You secured Dargonus.
Qui est l'assassin ?
You discovered the truth about Theodora's death.
Place au seigneur-capitaine !
This Is a Job for the Lord Captain!
Héritage brûlant
Burning Inheritance
Dynastie restaurée
The Dynasty Restored
You reclaimed all the colonies of the von Valancius dynasty.
La curiosité n'est pas un vice
Curiosity Is Not a Vice
You visited half of the optional locations.
Empire commercial
Trade Empire
You completed Chapter 2.
Loup du cosmos
Void Wolf
You won all void combats.
You gained a third-tier doctrine.
Annihilation jouissive
Fear Not Obliteration
You killed an enemy with 100 damage dealt by one attack.
Les survivants de Commorragh
Commorragh Survivors
You completed Chapter 3.
Purification des impies
Purge the Unclean
You destroyed at least one ship of every enemy fleet (pirates, Chaos, Asuryani, Drukhari, Necrons).
Compagnie surprise
Unexpected Company
You recruited a secret companion.
Comment cela a-t-il fini ?
How Did It All End?
You raised your own abomination.
Catastrophe des Étendues
Expanse Calamity
You completed Chapter 4.
Geste posthume
Amends to the Dead
You wore the Halo Device.
Grenouille à marchander
Frog Trader
Dragon enragé
Enraged Dragon
Restitution bottée
Returning the Boots
Dans le Chaos jusqu'au cou
Knee-Deep in Chaos
Enquête minutieuse
Thorough Investigation
Grand Finale
You finished the game.
Le vaisseau possédé
The Possessed Ship
Le gouffre pas sans fond
The Not-So-Bottomless Pit
Douce perdition
Sweet Perdition
Bureaucratie invisible
Invisible Bureaucracy
Merci de patienter
Thank You for Waiting
Allégeance aux étoiles
Oath to the Stars
Route impériale
Imperial Route
La flamme
A Flame
You found your true love.
Serviteur de l'Empereur
The Emperor's Servant
You became a Votary (Dogmatic) on Daring difficulty or above.
You learned the Necron language.
Vitesse vitale
Too Fast to Die
You dodged 500 enemy attacks with your party members.
Aboutissement colonial
You completed a colony project of the highest tier.
Dynastie prospère
The Dynasty Prospers
You completed the highest-tier colony project on each of your colonies.
Maîtrise du commerce
Master of Trade
You completed 20 orders.
Cœur de glace
Uncover the Ice
You melted the ice planet.
You killed 5 enemies with one attack.
Exploration suprême
Greatest Exploration
You scanned all worlds and reported them to the Explorators.
Précision létale
Doom Trader
You performed 500 critical hits with your party members.
Sauvetage aérien
Aviation Saviour
Playing on Core, you did not let any shuttles be destroyed at the end of Chapter 1.
Conquête et triomphe
Overcome and Overpower
You completed the game on Daring difficulty or above.
Au nom du Saint Ordo
Work of the Holy Ordos
You handed over Idira, Yrliet, and Marazhai to the Inquisition.
Exploration sans limite
Don't Stop the Exploration
You visited all optional locations.
Archéologie d'aventure
Adventurous Archaeologist
You solved all the puzzles at the unidentified ruins.
Diplomate à la langue de miel
Silver-Tongued Diplomat
You prevented 10 combats through dialogue.
Ceux qui vont mourir te saluent
Those Who Are About to Die Salute You
You let the Khymerae tear apart all the gladiators in the first battle in the Commorragh arena.
Préparation judicieuse
Fully Prepared
You removed all debuffs from the Rogue Trader before meeting Malice.
Architecture préservée
Preserve the Architecture
You killed a defiler without destroying any of the 4 plasma batteries strengthening it.
Incarnation du Chaos
Chaos Incarnate
You became a Votary (Heretical) on Daring difficulty or above.
Âme miséricordieuse
Merciful Soul
You became a Votary (Iconoclast) on Daring difficulty or above.
Défense précise
Precise Defence
You destroyed 30 torpedoes.
Conviction intime
Deepest Conviction
You completed the game with any Conviction: Zealot on Daring difficulty or above.