
Feb 23, 2024

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
3 fragments = 1 rouage
3 fragments = 1 cog
Assemble your first cog
Sommeil réparateur
Restorative nap
Get your health points back by taking a nap in a hammock
Détenteur de l’Omnincrochet
Bearer of the Omnihook
Pro des déplacements
Swift movement expert
Complete the trial "Swift movement expertise"
Pro des élastibonds
SlingHop expert
Complete the trial "SlingHop expertise"
C'est pas un trampouline !
It's not a trampoline !
Bounce on a chicken, again and again... and again...
Collectionnite Aigüe !
Collectaholic !
Collect all cogs in Promenade's world
Câlin sur commande
Hug on command
Find the way to hug your poulp anytime you want
Aller de l'avant
Move on
Encore une minute et je me lève...
One more minute and I'll get up...
Rest for a total of 5 minutes in the hammocks
Détenteur du Sacàtout
Bearer of the Omnibag
C'est chouette ici, hein?
It's nice here don't you think?
Boing boing boing !!!
Boing boing boing !!!
Bounce on Lewis's bed
Juste pour être sûr...
Just to be sure...
Pester the bazoocrab
Vive le Roi !
Long live the king !
Un message étrange...
A bizarre message...
Un curieux plan...
An enigmatic blueprint...
Meilleur que les développeurs ?
Better than the developpers?
Beat a developper time in a time trial (without using objects from outside)
Pourquoi vouloir s'en aller?
Why would anyone leave?
Commande refusée: risque de paradoxe
Forbidden command: paradox hazard
Try to create a paradox in "Mr Boss's lair"
Le Godzilla des nuages
The Godzilla in the clouds
Cause 5 citizens of the "Mr Boss's lair" to panic at the same time
Une missive énigmatique...
A curious postcard...
Juste au cas où...
Just in case...
Pester a defenseless little bunny
Bravo et merci !
Congrats and Thanks
Maître du chronomètre
Time trial expert
Beat all the time trials in "The Source"
Joueur pro
Pro player
Beat all the OctoRetro minigames in hard mode
Compagnon de sieste
Nap buddy
Take a nap next to the chillest of crabs
Quintuple médaille d'or
Quintuple gold
Beat Dashton in all the rematch races
Un véritable chef d'œuvre !
A true masterpiece !
Bring out the artist in you
Tu viens vraiment de faire ça?!
You did WHAT?!
Professor flavor soup?
Madeline serait fière
Madeline would be proud
Climb the mountain without falling
Le sol c'est de la lave
The floor is lava
Enter the level "Ridge ramble" from the elevator without touching the ground
Heu... Comment il démarre?
Hmm... How do I turn it on?
Enter the spaceship before acquiring the Omnihook
Sorry, we didn't program any egg based recipe
Un mystérieux sachet...
An odd packet...
Cambrioleur malin
Smart burglar
Steal the moles' treasure without having to sneak-by
Une lettre incomplète...
A cryptic letter...
Un oiseau singulier
A singular bird
Scare away the tiny white bird in the Great Elevator
Qui a besoin de l'Omnicrochet ?!
Who needs the Omnihook?!
Collect at least 26 cog fragments before acquiring the Omnihook
Une liste insolite...
A peculiar list...
Promenade éclair !
Lightning fast Promenade !
Beat Promenade in 2 hours and 30 minutes or less
Meilleur que les développeurs !
Better than the developpers!
Oscar du meilleur acteur
Oscar of the best actor
Beat the "Comedian's lair" without taking damage