
Oct 12, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Rat de bibliothèque
Found a note that someone left behind
It's bound to take your life
Died for the first time
Allez venez, Milord!
So that's a Lord!
Defeated First Warden
Mon corps retrouvé
Myself again
Retrieved lost experience by collecting your ghost
Donnez-lui le pouvoir
Give him power
Bought your first Attribute or Spell Point
Prends ma main
Take my hand
Passons aux choses sérieuses
Now we're talking
Sous la carapace
Hard shell, soft core
Defeated the Commander
Après le désastre
Only after Disaster
Defeated the Worshiper
Que la fête commence
The real Lords starts here
On peut tromper 1 fois 1000 personnes...
He speaks in riddles
Met the Blacksmith
Les armes, c'est mon dada
Good with weapons
Collected all weapon types
Seal the gate
Defeated the Infiltrator
Tous ensemble
No time for losers
Defeated the Champion
La force est avec lui
Strong with this one
Unlocked all spells for one class
Celui qui nous protège
He who protect us
La colère m'habite
Anger is a gift
Defeated the Beast
A tous les crânes que j'ai aimé, avant
Human skull
Des bougies par milliers
Thousands of candles
Defeated the Guardian
Crier contre les dieux
Shout at the gods
Quand on veut, on peut
Not a question of can or can't
Defeated the Annihilator
Frères Perdus vaincus
Two against one
Defeated Lost Brothers
She was the last woman here
Sans cœur
Go breaking my heart
All in
Defeated a boss with at least 20000 unspent experience
Crétin de Touque
Fool of a Tuck
Hécatombe monstrueuse
Killing monsters
Killed all types of enemies
Contre toute attente
Against all odds
Defeated a Boss without taking damage
Voie du Guerrier
Way of the warrior
Completed the game as Warrior
Le monde entier entre ses mains
Whole world in his hands
A la lettre
By the book
Found 60 audio notes
Ce n'est pas la peine d'en rajouter
Extra strong
Upgraded the Health Potions
À vous l'honneur
Couldn't have done it myself
Let the boss destroy the statue during fight
Dieu est mort
God is dead
J'ai de la chance
I feel lucky
Personne ne vous entendra crier
No one can hear you scream
Completed all Infinite Voids
Dans cette vie ou dans l'autre
Are you not entertained?
Completed all Proving Grounds
Voie du Voleur
Way of the rogue
Completed the game as Rogue
La foi rend faible
Faith is weakness
La collection Harkyn
Harkyn collection
Qui s'y frotte s'y brûle
Don't burn yourself out
Defeated the Keeper
Sur mesure
Voie du Clerc
Way of the cleric
Completed the game as Cleric
Leonidas serait fier
This! Is! Keystone!
Kicked an enemy into his death
Je tue des gens qui sont morts
I kill dead people
Secrets de l'ère passée
He knows what they did last era
Found all eight audio notes in the Ancient Labyrinth
J'ai tout vu
I saw everything
Trésor d'ingéniosité
Treasure left alone
Looted all Treasure Chambers
Une carte, à quoi bon
Real men don't need a map
Arsenal perso
My private stash
Got 12 special weapons
Respect des morts
Respect for the dead
Guerre psychologique
Psychological warfare
Ne faites pas aux autres...
Do unto others...
Jouer avec le feu
Played with fire
Ancient tool, new purpose