Gloom Hands

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Gloom Hands
Jun 22, 2023 par Skyangie

Read this article to the end to find out how to defeat Gloom Hands in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. These hands are very fast and can do a lot of damage. They are very difficult to defeat if you don't know how.

What's Gloom Hands?

Les mains de miasme apparaissent au sol à plusieurs endroits dans le royaume d’Hyrule. Il est possible d’en trouver un peu partout. De plus, elles semblent avoir des points d'apparition fixes. Il est possible de les trouver dans la grotte située sous la Tour du mont Labulat, au nord du Relais de la Plaine d'Hyrule nord.

How to defeat Gloom Hands

The easiest way to get rid of them without any fighting is to climb onto an elevated surface, as Gloom Hands are not able to climb. They only seem to be able to move along the ground. Wait a while on an elevated surface and watch them slowly disappear, leaving a loot on the ground.

If you want a fight, you can fight. However, this will bring out a boss called The Phantom Ganon. To defeat the hands in a fight, you'll need to eliminate all 5 hands at the same time. Throwing Bomb Flowers at them is one solution. However, make sure you're well equipped before starting the fight, as this enemy is quite powerful.

It's also possible to equip Link with miasma-resistant gear, or to consume miasma-resistant dishes. It's important to know that when you're hit by the miasma, your hearts will be damaged. You'll need to eat specific dishes to restore them.