Professor Kogawa's Assignment 2

Hogwarts Legacy - Professor Kogawa's Assignment 2
Aug 23, 2023 par Skyangie

In this Hogwarts Legacy assignment guide, we'll explain the "Professor Kogawa's Assignment 2".

Assignment Details
Available: Complete "Professor Kogawa's Assignment 1" and fly near the arrows to the southwest of Hogwarts.
Award: Arresto Momentum

You'll need to fly a broom close to the arrows to the southwest of Hogwarts to activate this assignment. Then head for the objective to pierce the balloons.

Carte des ballons 1

Head in the sky to pierce the balloons, then return to Professor Kogawa to learn the Arresto Momentum spell. Please note that other balloons are available in the world and count as collectibles. You'll find a list of these balloons in our guide.

Carte des ballons 2