Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial

Hogwarts Legacy - Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
Aug 21, 2023 par Skyangie

In this walkthrough for Hogwarts Legacy, we'll give you the complete tutorial for the main quest: Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial.

Once you've acquired the password and the effect of the Polyjuice has worn off, head for the director's office at the top of the trophy room. Once in front of the gargoyle, give the password you've acquired from Scrope. A staircase will appear, giving you access to the office. Remember to use the Revelio spell to find pages of the Sorcerer's Guide or chests.

Step into the room. A cinematic appears in which Professor Niamh's portrait asks you to open the book at the top of the stairs. The moment you open the book, you'll be transported inside. This is the moment when Niamh Fitzgerald's ordeal begins

You'll find yourself in another black-and-white world. It's the tale of the deathly relics. First, you need to find a mysterious cloak. To do this, you'll need to cross the girl without being seen by the shadows of death, using the disillusionment spell that will automatically be applied to you. Wait for the right moment (when the death shadows have their backs to you) to cross to the next area. 

At some point, you'll need to climb a ladder to your left to avoid detection by the black dogs of death. Step onto the roof and head to the left. Then drop down from the roof and continue on your way discreetly, waiting for the right moment to pass behind the shadows of death. 

You'll then have to enter a door when death shadows appear on either side of the alley. Hurry through this door and up the stairs. Keep hiding behind the walls and wait for the right moment to get behind the death shadows. Cross the small wooden plank to the other roof and climb down. You'll find the mysterious cape in front of you. 

Once you've acquired the cape, you can now walk unseen by the shadows of death. Follow the linear path by opening the gate in front of you. There's no need to hide anymore. Walk straight ahead to the next platform. The stage will eventually turn white again. Go forward until you see another platform with a mysterious wand on it, and use it.

You can now access several of your spells. Use the Bombarda spell to clear the path of stones. Follow the path to the castle entrance. 5 death shadows will suddenly appear, and you must defeat them. Advance into the castle, where other enemies will appear. Attack them all to progress. 

Then climb to the top, where you'll come face to face with a giant death shadow that will conjure up various types of enemy. You'll need to start by defeating the death trolls before eliminating the death shadows. There will be a total of 2 waves of enemies

Once all enemies have been defeated, head to the left side of the arena, down the steps and onto the platform to collect a mysterious stone. Then cross the graveyard to find Niamh Fitzgerald's body. Interact with the body of Niamh Fitzgerald. She'll wake up and guide you to a giant statue containing a Pensieve with memories of Niamh Fitzgerald. 

Une cinématique apparaît dans laquelle Niamh Fitzgerald confronte Isidora sur son utilisation de la magie mystérieuse. Une fois la cinématique terminée, utilisez le portail devant vous pour revenir à la Salle de la Carte. Parlez ensuite au nouveau gardien: San Bakar et partagez vos trouvailles aux gardiens. Vous obtiendrez le trophée/succès Une relique héroïque. C’est ainsi que la quête : L’épreuve de Niamh Fitzgerald se termine, laissant place à votre prochaine quête principale dans Hogwarts Legacy - L'Héritage de Poudlard : Dans l’ombre de la montagne

A cinematic appears in which Niamh Fitzgerald confronts Isidora about her use of mysterious magic. Once the film is over, use the portal in front of you to return to the Map Room. Then talk to the new guardian: San Bakar, and share your findings with the other guardians. You'll obtain the trophy/success of A Heroic Relic. This concludes the quest: Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial, making way for your next main quest in Hogwarts Legacy: In the Shadow of the Mountain