
Jul 27, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Premier contact
First Contact
Board the space station.
Alimentation restaurée
Power Restored
Complete Sunlight.
Incident mineur
A Minor Incident
Cause an explosive decompression from the airlock.
Systèmes de données en ligne
Data Systems Online
Complete Data.
La sécurité d'abord
Safety First
Safely perform an airlock decompression sequence.
Premières images reçues
First Images Received
Complete Vision.
Chers téléspectateurs
Greetings, Viewers
Film yourself with the film camera.
Échantillons récupérés
Samples Retrieved
Complete Minerals.
Vous montez ?
Going Up?
Get into the telescope assembly bay.
Niveau d'oxygène normal
Oxygen Levels Nominal
Complete Oxygen.
Not to Plan
Complete Energy.
Force de gravité
Gravity's Embrace
Complete Evacuation.
Mécanique classique
A Classical Mechanic
Complete any level in Newtonian mode.
Frôler les étoiles
Back From Outer Space
Recover from a near-death experience.
Médaille d'or
Bring Home Gold
Bring the trophy to the escape pod during Evacuation.
Au revoir
Bon Voyage
Eject a gardening tool via the disposal chute.
Exploration stellaire
Charting the Stars
Plant a navigation flag into an asteroid.
Illumination solaire
Shining Brightly
Complete all challenges in Sunlight.
Prospection minutieuse
Diligent Prospector
Complete all challenges in Minerals.
Travaux de plomberie
The Plumber
Complete all challenges in Energy.
Superbes souvenirs
Proud Souvenirs
Find all the mission collectables.
Derniers ordres
Last Orders
Complete all challenges in Evacuation.
Air respirable
Clear Breathing
Complete all challenges in Oxygen.
Images nettes et précises
Crisp Imagery
Complete all challenges in Vision.
Signal impeccable
Perfect Signal
Complete all challenges in Data.