
Sep 22, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Finish the tutorial.
Voie aérienne
Launch 20 enemies.
Toucher guérisseur
Healing Touch
Use Katara to heal your teammates for the first time.
Sur vos gardes
On Your Guard
Block 20 projectiles with your shield.
Aang et son Gaang
The Gaang's All Here
Unlock every character.
Une pièce, c'est une pièce !
Gangbuster Gatherer
Beat all Animal Races with more than 75% of coins collected.
Touchez-les tous !
Gotta Touch 'em All
Interact with twenty different objects in the world.
Maître de la chasse au trésor
Master Treasure Hunter
Open all chests.
Mon fidèle boomerang
Trusty Boomerang
Defeat an enemy using Sokka's boomerang to deliver the final blow.
Terminez toutes les quêtes.
Beat All Quests
Finish all side quests.
Écho, m'entends-tu ?
That Sounds Right
Use Seismic Sense for the first time.
Find and build all the sculptures.
Soufflez la flamme
Put Out the Fire
Defeat Admiral Zhao.
Maître de la Maîtrise
Bending Master
Learn the four bending arts with Aang.
À plus, Momo !
Later, Momo!
Win all "Beat Momo in a Race" challenges.
Can't Touch Me!
Beat 3 bosses without getting hit.
Ni feu ni foudre
Fire and Lightning Fizzle
Defeat Zuko and Azula.
Terminé pour le Seigneur du Feu !
The Fire Lord Is Finished
Defeat Firelord Ozai.
C'était censé être un défi ?
You Call That a Challenge?!
Beat all the spirit trials.
L'appel du parchemin
Scroll Call!
Buy a bending scroll.
Clairement avantageux !
Positively Perky!
Unlock all character perks.
La fin du voyage
Your Journey's End
Beat story mode.
Mes choux !
My Cabbages!!
Destroy the cabbage cart 10 times.
Regardez où vous mettez les pieds !
They Should Watch Their Step
Trap 20 enemies.
Le Feu en famille
Fire and Family
Play with a friend (one player as Zuko and the other player as Iroh).
Châtiment survitaminé
Pumped Up Punishment
Defeat a boss with Aang when all perks and bending moves are maxed.
Maître de l'enquête
Investigation Bender
Find all secret rooms and treasure rooms.