
Sep 14, 2023

Informations sur les succès

Nombre de
Hello Pond
Hello Pond
Die for the first time
Faites-les tous éclore !
Gotta hatch 'em all
Collect your first egg in the game
Que le carnage commence
The rampage begins
Enter a run for the first time
Capitalisme 101
Capitalism 101
Spend any amount of gems for the first time
Defeat the Pond Pincer for the first time
Ils grandissent si vite...
They grow so fast...
Grow your first Axolittle into an adult
Mon seau !
Break Chipzs bucket for the first time
Such a tryhard
Complete a Challenge Room for the first time
Cultivateur de bonheur
Happiness Farmer
Absorb the Happiness of an Axolittle for the first time
Defeat the Hell' o Kitty for the first time
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna give you up
Indie frog slayer
Indie frogs slayer
Defeat 25 Frogs
Il est temps de lancer une machine...
Laundry time
Defeat the Sock it Snake for the first time
Collect 500 Doraditos in a single run
Tu as tapé dans les murs ?
Did you hit all the walls?
Du cannibalisme ?!
Chipzs Out
Chipzs out
Defeat the Fish & Chipz for the first time
Briser l'espace-temps
Breaking space and time
Win a run for the first time
Cool, cool, cool, cool
Cool, cool, cool, cool
Unlock everything from the Droppin' Doggo Shop
Atteindre la purrfection
Purrchase Perfection
Unlock everything from the Small Paw's Dealer Shop
Surprise !
Armé jusqu'aux branchies
Armed to the gills
Unlock 8 Primary Weapons
Defeat all the enemies (not counting bosses and special enemies) at least once
Forme Olympique
Apex form
Unlock everything from the Blisstaker Shop
Je crois que j'en ai écrasé un... millier ?
I think I stepped on one (thousand)
Defeat 1000 Caterkillah
Gagné ! Du poulet au dîner !
Winner winner time for dinner
Win 10 runs
Git Gud
Git gud
Die 100 times